Where to buy?

Find Our Fresh Produce

We are thrilled to offer you the finest selection of fresh produce from our sustainable farm. You can conveniently purchase our seasonal vegetables through various channels:

1. Local Shops: Discover our products in select local shops near you. We collaborate with trusted partners to bring our farm-fresh goodness closer to your doorstep. Keep an eye out for our name when you visit your nearby grocery stores.

2. Farm Outlet – Burnett, BS31 2TF: For an immersive farm-to-table experience, we will soon welcome you to visit our farm outlet located near Burnett, BS31 2TF. Please follow to find out first when this is in place.

Expanding Selection in the Future: As we continue to nurture our farm and grow with care, we are excited about the potential to expand our range of seasonal vegetables in the coming months. Our dedication to sustainable farming means that our offerings are limited by our growing capacity. Once we sell out of a particular harvest, we can only restock once more of it has become ripe. This ensures that you receive only the freshest and tastiest produce straight from the fields and we reduce food waste.

Join Us in Embracing Nature’s Bounty

We are grateful for your support as we embark on this journey of sustainable agriculture. By choosing our produce, you not only savor the incredible flavors of nature but also contribute to a greener, more ecologically-conscious future.

Contact Us:

For any inquiries or further details about our farm outlet, products, or sales events, feel free to get in touch with us. We look forward to serving you and sharing the goodness of Earthwise Acres.

Thank you for being a part of our sustainable farming community!